
Hydrogen bromide filtration

Filtration of Hydrogen Bromide with High Dirt Load

This project presented a challenge due to the sporadic but extremely high dirt load of the liquid, with minimal to no contamination occurring 90% of the time. At unpredictable intervals, however, the filtration system faced significant amounts of dirt particles.

The primary objective of the filters was therefore to effectively capture these dirt particles at all times. The design had to account for high dirt-holding capacity while keeping lead time and investment costs within acceptable limits.

The result was a fully stainless steel filter housing capable of withstanding high pressure, equipped with very fine metal filter baskets. Additionally, the filter housing was designed with flexibility in mind: if the filter baskets were not sufficient, the filter plate could be removed and replaced with an alternative filter plate capable of accommodating approximately 30 filter candles. This ensures an adaptive and robust filtration system that performs reliably, even under challenging conditions with fluctuating dirt loads.

Pictures of this realisation